Trading Tip: Sell Jewelry Online using these SEO tips!
Google is the most visited website WORLD WIDE. If you’re interested in how to make sure your business lands as a Google search result, keep reading.
What is SEO?

SEO is Search Engine Optimization or using strategic tactics so that you appear higher in online search results. This can mean ranking higher on Instagram, Facebook, eBay, Linkedin, Etsy, really anywhere with a search bar!
The tactics we will cover in this trading tip are titles, subheadings, and file names.
This week we will continue our SEO tips to help you sell jewelry online.
If you missed our last Trading Tip on SEO, you can find it here. We covered niche key phrases, keyword density rates, and alternative text.
Optimize Titles
Creating a title for your content will help search engines categorize and index it. When we are creating a title for this blog, we will title it “Tips to Sell Jewelry Online – SEO.”
When writing for SEO, the point of your title is to not only tell the reader what you will be discussing but to also align with what your key audience would type into a search bar.
When writing long-form content for your jewelry store or pawnshop, it is important that you break it up with subheadings. As only about 10 % of readers will read every word that is included in an article, it’s important that you play by scanners’ rules.
Subheadings play a few key roles.
- Break up content
- Signify a topic change
When optimizing your content for SEO, you will need to make sure your subheadings are relevant to your topic and include your keywords.
How to include Keywords in Subheadings Naturally
With all these rules and guidelines about how to land as a search result, it can feel unnatural to write optimized content.
The key to making your content sound organic is to strictly focus on your message. If you’ve selected a keyword that is relevant to your topic, it is easy to make sure that the keyword is mentioned often, and that all parts of the content are related.
File Names
As we covered last week, you can make small changes to your content that aren’t noticeable to the reader but will make it more search-engine friendly. One of these changes can be as simple as adding your key-words to your file names before uploading them!
Pro Tip: Before adding a photo of jewelry to your website, save the photo as a short description of the piece like “diamond engagement ring.” You can also find our jewelry photography tips to help sell jewelry online here.
For all your diamond and estate jewelry needs call or text us at 440-442-7280. You can also call toll free at 888 800-BLUE. To be the first to know about our Trading Tip of the Week such as How to Host a Facebook Live Jewelry Sale, Jewelry Photography Tips, and How to Build an Email List, as well as Bluestone’s latest news, subscribe to our newsletter.